Tuesday 3 May 2011

We are 5 years old!

The Space is 5 years old! 
Bravo to all involved in making The Space events the fabulously, highly acclaimed triumphs that they have become.

We would like to thank everyone who have played their part over the years, and especially to anyone who has attended one of the events, we do what we do, for you all.

Please remember that The Space is a 'not-for-profit' event and it is purely through ticket sales that we have survived this long. Well that, and lest we forget the amazing Wayne Imms; founder of The Space, his sheer determination, passion and organisational skills that warrant Indiana Jones: Raider's of the Lost Ark Art Director Norman Reynolds to hail: "Wayne, you deserve an Oscar".

Hear, hear! Three cheers to The Space team. May we all live long and creatively prosper.
Posted by: Geek Girl Kerensa Creswell-Bryant
Geek Girl, Updated at: 23:01

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